Tuesday 17 November 2009

I'm Finally Home...

My life has changed so much in a few months, weeks even... I can't remember ever feeling this happy, and it's all because of these people, this place, this feeling...
So things have been majorly hectic... i so hope i can keep this up a bit more, now that things have died down a little and things are just a little less crazy around here!!

So on September 19th i packed up all my stuff and left the lovely place of Hereford, for bigger and better oppurtunities, which ended me up here, in Ipswich the lovely dock side town... It's so fresh and new and independance wise, im completley buzzing! so i moved into student accomodation with 48 other people... minus the few empty rooms that are floating around here, and it's crazy...

Freshers week where do i start, i don't other than saying i have never drank so much in my whole life than i did in that 1st week, everything was crazy that week, no time to slow down, let alone stop...
But i have met some amazing people...
I feel like im finally home... :)
Ruth xxx

Sunday 21 June 2009


I Haven't Posted In Ages Because I Have Been Driving Everywhere :D I Have Lots Of Journey's To Post To Everyone... When I Catch Up With Myself, Untill Then Take Care!!
Ruth xoxox

Wednesday 3 June 2009


So Weekend 29 through 31 I went camping with my friend Alice, metioned in my blog before and her family whom live in Liverpool. So I went over to Alice's On Thursday and stayed over, so as to get an early start Friday. On Friday morning, Alice, Me, Sean (Alice's Little Brother) and Her Mum, bunddled all our stuff and ourselves into her mum's little 2 door Corsa, It was swealtering.
So yeah.. We went to Llangodden, in the the North Wales Valleys. We stayed at a campsite which surrounds a beautiful Abbey. On Friday we chilled and I met her family, they we went for a little walk and had a paddle in the river which flowed at the bottom of the field. Oh yeah well then it got to about half 7, 8 o clock and i was like Alice want to go for a walk, she was like ok, and steph, her cousin came with us. We ended up walking up a massive 'mountain' which was actually a hill, didnt feel like it, we stopped and rested so many times it was so steep, and then we finally after 2 hours got to the top, and by this time night fall was coming down on us, very thick and very fast, so we rang the guys at camp and i put my camera light on and they put their car lights on and we could see eachother, it was magic. we shuffled down the 'hill' on our bottoms, which was the only way as it was way to steep to walk down especially in the dark, it was an interesting thing, as i was infront and so Alice was shuffling ruble down my pants and steph the same to Alice, when we finally reached the bottom about an hour later, we were unaware of where we were and it was pitch black we used a phone light to climb back over the fence and i fell while walking through the dew covered grass. but finally we returned to base camp, all dirty and yucky..! We slept well that night except Alice elbowing me in the nose and then being afraid i had a nose bleed. I didnt, thank god. On Saturday i got burned so bad, seriously is still look like a tomarto, then we walked into town along the canal, what canal still uses horses this one, i was absolutley petrified (If you didn't no i hate horses, i might tell you that story one day, and NO i didnt fall of one) So yes i hid in the bushes or got Alice to pull me past them while i screamed and closed my eyes. Yes then in Llangodden town we went to some shops and then we went to River, and we paddled some more, then we walked to camp and paddled in the river there. And then we lit a bonfire, and toasted bread on the fire, it made the most gorgeous toast i have ever tasted, seriously. That was really nice.
On sunday me and Alice stayed at base camp while everyone drove into town in 2 cars, when we returned from our trip to the camp shop 2 of Alice's family had come back so we spent half an hour trying to pop the bonnet on their car, Long story, absolutley hilarious. :) then when everyone returened we had dinner, and went back down to the lake where i got egged onto the rope swing which goes over the river, i gashed my toe open though on the rocks in the river without feeling it, so strange, anyway then we left and took the 1 and a half hour car ride back home.
Check out these pics...

Part of the Abbey, and the 'mountain' we walked up - Me on the rope swing.

The river in Llangodden Town - Llangodden town coming over the bridge
More pictures coming up soon :)
The Canal walk into Llangodden town

Well anyway today... I Passed my Driving Test, I now officially have my driver's license. :)

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Bees and the bugs!!

Thought i better drop a line tonight as I wont be in sight of a computer for the next 4 days. Yes im braving it all under canvas. Im going camping. Im not the best person camping, i mean i dont do it, i dont do bugs. But 'life experiances' (Twilight Fans) have to be made and tomorrow im heading of to Luston to my friends to prepare for are little expedition on Friday. Ha.

I have no idea where we are going, i just no that i am going camping and there is going to be 11 of us of which i know 4 inc. myself : hmm.? And that is literally everything i know.

I will post when i get back, with pictures and a long drawn out blog (as my post have been a little bit dull, lately) As to my 1st camping trip for fun and not with some club like guides or cadets. Ahh.

Ruth xoxox

Sunday 24 May 2009

Typical English Sunday.

Today we are having a typical English sunday, ya know the drill.

Sun, Back gardens, Sunglasses, Beer, Barbecue && Birthday's
Today is my cousin's birthday, he is going to be 33 So we are all packing into his back garden and having a typical barbecue, in the sun, i have donned my shorts, t-shirt, cardigan, pumps and sunglasses. Oh yes everyone I am ready.. :)

On another note I am still waiting for my book to come through that I ordered from Amazon...
John Steinbeck - East of Eden... :) Hopefully it will be here before camping on the weekend... :)

Anyway... Im going to sort myself out before the Barbecue..
Have fun on this sunny day ..

Ruth xoxox

Thursday 21 May 2009

The End of an Era...

Today is the 21.5.09. Today is the end. The end of an era.

I have just completed the last bit of work for college, which i just had to type something up to put in my folder, i have been given back my 2 last pieces of work which i have also put in the correct folders and have filled out all my folder portfoilio front sheets (All 3 of them, grey, red and yellow.) And today i have finished. It's the end.

I don't know i have completled it all but i have, i now im free, i have sat all my exams and got all my work in at grades im proud of, so that is all. The End

Well anyway.. Im gonna go, im sat in college waiting for Craft Lesson (My last official lesson at college) And yeah then that's it. when i walk out of here at 14:30 it will be it.

There is nothing left to say but

The End.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Let's eat something really bad for us!

Today Im going to my sisters house for our monthly movie night, normally we jump in the car and take the 50 monute car ride to Worcester, there cinema is bigger and go catch something at the movies, I get a BIG blue slushy icy thing and she gets popcorn :) But there is nothing on that either of us want to see, so instead im going to crash her house while Paul is on holiday and were gonna catch up, watch movies, Inc Twilight, Bride Wars and Sweeney Todd and eat Pizza, Jelly Sweets, Popcorn and of course Wine.. (Maybe) Haha.. depends on if we get that desperate, im not a wine kinda' girl.. ;)! So yeah then im gonna sleep in the spare room and it means that i dont have to get to the bus stop and 10 to 8 in the morning :) Yippee.!!

So im gonna go pack my stuff and go and get the bus..
Hope you all have a fun night. I will.

Love Ruth xoxox

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Im Ill

I am sat in college about to go home. I woke up this morning feeling like absolute crap, i havn't felt this bad since i went on holiday to Switzerland last summer and got really ill. But seen as though it's my last week and dedicated as i am (Not) I took 2 paracetamol to last me at college and trudged out the door to the bus stop, okay so i practically in town i get a text hey ruth, my bus hasn't turned up, im not going to college. Ah the only reason i was going to college so you weren't a loner, so im currently writing this i have 1 piece of work left which i got back today and will hand in tomorrow and then im done, hooray!!

Okay so im going to go now and get a shirt, from good ol' Primark, baby and get the bus home, go to sleep and wake up at half 3 hopefully feeling better for my driving lesson. So i better go get things rolling and by the speed im walking today im ill state i will probably get home at 3, okay so see you bye.


Saturday 16 May 2009


Today I drove into town in my car, oh yes im a learner, but not one of them annoying ones i hope (fingers Crossed) so yeah anyway we went into town then drove out to Dunelm and then to B&Q. So then i needed to take Pat home, so i decided well actually it was kinda decided for me, and then i saw where we were headed. Oh yeah Mortimer Road old Railway Bridge, Ahh... it's a 1 way bridge and it was flooded, its on a tight corner, it's so bad. Yeah anyway i was going through and this red car appered at the other end, bearing in mind that this bridge is about 6 meters long, :) So yes this Red Car. Floods. Shoot I panicked moving my car to the left, the left, a one way bridge, I couldn't flipping move to the left. Damn It. I scratched it on the bridge, I scratched Leo! No..
So it's like the smallest scratch i dont care, i can't actually believed i did it. But oh well... let's go.! Nice adventure Hey, Great day, it's pissing it down, then its nice a sunny, then its tipping, then it's sunny, you can't win here.
Ruth xoxox

Friday 15 May 2009

Today Is A Sad Day...

Well it all started at 6am when i flung myself over in my bed (half asleep) and turned my god damn alarm on my phone of, it is the most annoying alarm ever (It's the one that comes on the phone, it's the only thing that used to wake me up, in the morning. Im a bum to get up in the mornings.) So yes this was followed by Jasper playing 'Fall Out Boy's - What'a Catch, Donnie' So Loud I Could Hear It Through The headphones @ 7am. I thought it about best time i got up, considering it was 7am. So i went to the bathroom to get ready, it seemed like a good day, till i realised i forgot to take my make-up of the night before and my eyes were completley black, probably from writhing in pain during the night, because of the stupid injection, which decides when most convenent (NOT) to kill me. So yes, i managed to get the mess of my face with about 5 baby wipes (Boots own, can't beat them) washed my face brushed teeth and put my make up, so on. Today i wore big blue (Hoody) seen as though it has been so cold at the school this past week, freezing. So i banged on the door to wake mum up, who was having a lazy morning. I then continued to read random sections (Favourite sections) Of 'Breaking Dawn' seen as though i have already read it. Ha. Then we got in the car and went to tesco, i brought 5 'Thank you' note cards, 4 bunches of flowers, box of shortbread (Tesco Finest) and a box of chocolates. Oh! and not forgetting a bottle of Pepsi. Well the morning kinda went by like a blur, i can't remember much that happened, i had weetabix for my lunch, which a member of staff in the staff room seem to find so very funny. Why? I don't know. Yeah then it came to the afternoon i read 6 of the children's books during their silent reading and decided to give up because soon i would have read them all. Then they finished their maps of the world, i started and finished mine. Although the children told me i cheated, Ha?? So yeah.. It was my last day (Officially) Im going back on June 16 for their 'year trip' to Elen Valley. So they gave me a card, which one of the girls had drawn a picture on and they had all signed it, but i left it at the school, and there is reason for this. After giving out the flowers and chocolates. I headed for my coat and bag.. This is were it gets good, all of a sudden the sky like opens up and water falls from no where im telling you i have never seen rain like it before, complete madness, the raindrops were the size of my hand, i had to walk home in this, it was completley insane, my dad met me half way, i felt bad for soaking the passenger seat in the car though i was drecnhed through. So i came home threw on my sweats and that's where i am now..

1 week left of college, and looking in catalogues for additional furniture to house in my new room, when/where i move. To. So yes. its a sad day! My last official day at the school. and 1 week left of college, well actually i finish thursday, which means me and alice will have to meet up loads in order to catch up on 'Twilight' we are completley obsessed guys, madly. I won't say im obssesed with Robert Pattinson, because well lets face it, we all know that 'Cederic Digory' stole my heart, ripped it out in the cinema so i think that tell's that story, unless you don't know of 'Cedric Digory' if you don't just IMDB Robert Pattinson, you'll soon Know. :)

So Yes, Here is to a nice relaxing weekend, in which i will achieve alot (I Hope)
And Hopefully come out of the weekend with a new hair cut, or at least by next week, its annoying me at the moment, BIG STYLE, Its Like a flippin' AFRO! Ha.

Love R xoxox

Wednesday 13 May 2009

13/05/09 This Day Will Go Down In History.

Wednesday May 13th 2009

This day will go down in History, in the life of Me. So much has happened today and to say I just woke up thinking that it would be a normal day, of pure insanity (Like any other week day) Rushing around here and there. Well this week is work week at the school, my last week there, im gonna miss it there so much, but i need to cut all ties with my college course at the moment, I have made it no secret that i don't like the course im doing, and i guess as soon as finish placement it kinda makes my ending college final. Well back to 13th may here. I went up to college today to get jabbed, yes jabbed, i hate jabs, well actually no I lie, im not one of them I faint everytime I see an injection they don't worry me, it's just when you know your going to get injected it's that feeling of knowing. So yes i got jabbed my last injection of 3 today, Yay, no more :) But now my arm is paining me so bad, i just dont know what to do with me arm.. I forced myself to sleep earlier just so my pain was less prominenet while i was unconciouss. ha. Well then i finalised where im moving to in the winter. Keeping it to myself at the moment just incase it all falls through, but i doubt it. Im so nervous i have also made it no secret that im nervous about leaving and living on my own. Yet excited about exploring and discovering a new place, it's gonna be good, im just a pessimist. (Always have been) I see the bad in everything. (Fault,??) Well anyway so that is final. Im moving come September, Although no date has been set as of yet, or not that i have decided or has been posted && I have yet to sort out my finances for my first year, accomadation and education. So that has been my day. Pretty big jump (I think) But hey my future starts today.

Ruth xoxox

Monday 11 May 2009

Made My Day.

Well, today the cutest thing happened i got home, and sorta relaxed and then out of my front room window i saw about 10 girls walk down the garden path, my head starts musing, what's going on... Anyway so i go and answer the door and one of the girls says 'We want to sing for you.' Hang on a minute did she just say we want to sing for you, what, am i dreaming... all of these thoughts were spinning round my head and many more. Well anyway she continues 'Were raising money for St Michael's Hospice' (It's like this local hospice which cares for people with long term illnesses) I was like awh cool, shoot. Now i don't like watching people sing, ya know that close im okay if there on stage but when your face to face and there singing to like you, looking at you, it kinda i dunno makes me feel wierd, and childishly want to laugh, i dont know if this is a good thing, maybe i should not date a musician, Lol. Anyway i think they sand Hannah Montanna, kinda think i recognised it from like TV Adverts or something and working in a school, im not sad. (Honest) Well yeah so i put like £2 in there little bag of funds, made me feel good. Im Skint, i have no money though. Im poor haven't had this months money yet??
So that was a nice twist to my day. :) Made me feel Happy.

Anyway i have been on youtube, im always on youtube, and i heard this, it made me cry so bad, so bad. So here it is.
The lovely Robert Pattinson singing 'I was broken' a song by Marcus Foster.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Mayfair [OW]

1st week of May, Tuesday through Thursday.. Mayfair week. I don't care how old you are you cannot release the feeling that the mayfair brings to Hereford. 3 days of pure crazy insanity. 3 days of pure lockdown in Hereford city centre. 3 days of pure amazing rides. 3 days of knowing how it must feel to fly, or how me alice discussed while riding on superstar of which i explained was the ride that almost, nearly, kinda goes upside down, I would like to correct myself for the record (It does go upside down) Love it.
Like or Not? The smell, the noise, the screams, the laughter, the music.. I Love it all, everything about the mayfair, invites you in, it amazes you, it makes you want to walk around with your jaw scrapping across the floor. No matter how old i get, i fingers crossed and will let anyone slap me across the face, when in my eyes the fair is boring, how can it be boring, why??
So as this is offically my last mayfair as a kid' it needs a lil' dedication, and where else is a better place to put it, other than here, for me to always remember. Im moving away this year, so it was my last fair week, which is actually a very sad moment. I had to make the most of it.
I will miss it, so much.. Just another thing to make me realise how much i will miss Hereford.

P.s I Finished the twilight books, all 4 of them. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Yesterday. Fascinating, Im already missing the wonderful world which exsists, when your boyfriend is a vampire and your best friend is a werewolf, only i don't think im that lucky.. Ha.
P.ss Totally wore my tee, to college and had every staring at my 'boob' all day, nice one. But at least now they all want one, i got them all onto the blog, and if they get a Tee, all the more money for SGP, huh. Deal.

and for Alice's Benefit.. 'merde' [OW] haha

Love Ruth xoxox

Wednesday 6 May 2009

My Tee.

My SGP tee. Is going on new adventures. Tomorrow. Right after college. Oh yes.. We will have him looking dapper in some little spots in HFD. After i just hand washed it. Dedication, eh? Well i am still reading, only taking my time over reading the last one. Oh yes, number 4, 200 pages to go and i really don't want it to end. On another note... Me and Alice have a few HFD places in mind for some cool pics and promoting SGP in HFD. Let the promoting begin. :D

Love Ruth xoxox

Will start to post more, now. Iv'e Missed you old buddy old pal. (Flinstones :) Classic)

Thursday 30 April 2009


I feel bad.

I have been a stranger for the last few days... isolating myself to the confines of the lounge chair in the corner of the room, or my box shaped excuse for a bedroom, but i must admit it's great to be so care free and really become a part of a really great book. Even if i have been imensly tired as the time passes by so quickly and before i know it, its gone 1am... and i have work in 7 hours... ! My family are greatly supportive of my choice to exclude myself from Tv time, or dinner time, although teased and moaned at for spending all my time reading. I get to into it. That's why i stopped reading, but my impulses wouldn't let me stop, and sure enough i started reading again.... Okay so im on book 3 of 4 so hopefully i will no longer be a stranger by some time next week... not much to blog about else... :)

Enjoy... Happy Reading..
Ruth xoxo

Any book suggestions i leave college this year and as it's final year we leave early actually i leave in 3 weeks, giving me plenty of reading time... oh yeah baby.. :)

Tuesday 28 April 2009


So I am all back safe and well, although i completly book struck, so to speak. I had my head stuck in a book for the duration of our 5 hour car ride... and for the duration of our 51/2 car ride home, not to mention in the hotel. And im not ashamed in saying it just happens to be the Twilight saga, of the vampire variety. On the 2nd book now. :)

What can i say a beautiful city, not as big as some others, but not as small as Hereford, it was nice peacefull and the river ran straight through the town centre, beautiful. As we travelled through the quiet streets of this seemingly perfect city it amazed me the things i saw, graveyards in the middle of streets, (and as morbid some people may think it is, or maybe its purely because i am a Herefordian, country girl who grew up travelling the small villages around the main city walking round these chuirches and church yards intreguided by the life these people had and the life they left behind plus its always tottally starnge when you find a relative you didnt know where they were buried, somoething quite wierd about this, but i like it, probably the peace and i like peace) the biggest library i have seen in my life, old couples walking down the streets holding hands, i think the only thing that wierded me out was the HUGE prison that sat right at the end of one of the main streets right into the high street. I think i could really love it there, but there was one thing, when i walked into my hotel room of the lovely travelodge, i am no stranger of the travelodge, but i have never walked into one and felt the way i did today.
As i slung my bag onto the floor and my book onto the small dresser in the corner, i turned and sat on the edge of my bed peering through the door shaped window at the main road and roundabout cross section into Chelmsford, i realised i have never felt so alone in my life, im not one who is alway surrounded by big groups of people, more out of choice then anything, i like the calm, but i have never felt like that, i brought back this new worry of panic and frustration of not being able to get home, not having those small comforts that we all call home, smell, pets, carpets, wallpaper, parents, things we all take for granted i guess..

I guess other than that i had a pretty great time and the university turned out to be truly outstanding offering what i want and more, but now im stuck.. where do i want to live, where will i be happy, where do i want to spend the next, if not more 4 years of my life?

Ipswich or Chelmsford???

Well anyway im so tired and i have work this week, so i think im gonna get some well deserved shut eye or actually what will probably happen is i will get me head stuck in the book again..
Sounds a bit more like me...

xoxox Ruth

P.s Excuse, my fast typing errors, im sure there are many, im blaming my tiredness :)

Friday 24 April 2009

Lots and Lots.

First off Happy Birthday to my great friend Alice who was 18 on 23.4.09. Woop!

Secondly I have been so unbelievebly busy at college this week and only officially have 4 weekss left, can't wait to leave now :) I've handed in all my unit assignments now all i got to do i finish off my 8 observations to hand in a week monday and im done. :)

Plus me and alice are booking our holiday to Cyprus within the next few weeks, for the first week in August, so that's always something to look forward to :)

Okay I have completley got obsessed with Twilight i have watched the film 3 times already, i watched it twice today cz mum my brought it for me today and once on monday cz i leant it form of course Alice, it her fault!

So i have had 4 songs on repeat, you should all check em' out there amazing
(My mum just rang me from downstairs criminal minds is coming on will finish this after)

Right im back :)

So the 4 songs if you wanna know them are

Band Of Horses - No one's gonna love you
Iron and Wine - Flightless bird
Grace Potter - Apologies
Stars - Calendar Girl

They have been my songs for the day, i have had them on repeat since 9:15 this morning when i started college, as there were all of 3 of us, just sorting out my assignment had to add a bit in it about anti-discrim and common assesment framework, Yeah Baby!

So I dont' have much else to say.. im gonna buy the twighlight books tomorrow all four of them :)
Can't wait to get back to reading again, it's been so long since I read 'we need to talk about Kevin' by lionel shriver, at was an amazing book to read, kept you going till right at the very end and the ending was better then i have read.. so anyway.. im gonna go, got to go to town tomorrow to the bank and see if the transaction went through for my SoGoPro tee. :) (FingersCrossed)

Ruth xoxox

Wednesday 22 April 2009

My Pedestrian Day!

Okay so since I have found out and learnt more about SGP I have began to realise more about where I live and the people that live here.. and today was a perfect oppurtunity. It was a normal day. Perfect. It wasn't great weather. Perfect. Everyone was doing what they normally do, the same thing everyday. Perfect. My little pedestrian travels started about 20 to 9 when i went for the 9:48 bus to town, for college. Well anyway as the bus pulled in to the station at the shire hall, there was a bus up to the college's already in, I do normally walk, the only thing about today that was different, i got on the college bus. Walking up the hill is so envigourating i swear i feel so thin when i get up it, if i get up it, it's a nightmare. the biggest hill in Hereford city and all 3 college's sit nicely at the top of it, anyway of subject.. I Caught the bus today for the simple reason McFly last night i was aching and i had been battered and bashed around everything hurt, so this lady got of 74 bus same as me and ran to the 72 bus (college bus) the bus drver was not in his little driving booth he was stood on the steps up sorting out the recipt/ticket machine thing. Well anyway i purely had seen this lady bus hopping funnily enough what i was doing, when we were standing outside the bus doors she turned to me. Me a student, ya know the knid that people look at and think, you do nothing all day.. nothing. Well she turned to ME and started talking, I didn't think these people exsisted well not anymore.. but yes she wasn't old middle aged with dark curly hair, she was telling me how she normally gets an early bus however she works with her daughter who had rang her up to bring some things in to work, so she had to get on the later bus, in which i replied with i normally walk, but i cant be bothered today, she then told me she knew how she felt and that getting the bus was a good idea.. A Good idea, she believed me. she should really cause i do, that is the first time this college year i caught the bus up the hill. First. Anyway she believed me, she listened to me, she ad a conversation with me. she didnt even no me, i could be some physcho withddrawn student, okay i know im a loner, but im not a physcho. Anyway this just utterly confimed everything i already knew and reinstated in my head why i love it here, Hereford. And im going to be leaving in september, leaving home.. To a bigger city, with more people, and lots more things going on, how will i cope! So anyway i walked to tesco to go meet my mummy from work, and get some wrapping paper for my friends present (She's 18 tomorrow :) ) anyway and i got to eastholme (this little community area, where they have a community hall, it was slimming world tonight, the library and this is also the place i went to pre-school however the sand pit has been concreted over, and a doctors surgery, dentists and a pharmacist.) yeah and this lady who was in her tesco work uniform was walking through as i was, she smiled at me. She smiled at me. to these people who work at Tesco, you see my mum works at Tesco, my dad works at Tesco and my sister works at Tesco, Apparently i look like Ali my sister so everyone see's me and thinks oh thats Jean and Normans youngest or that's Ali's sister! Yeah that's me, im not Ruth to them, but oh well she smiled at me. And this made me happy. I love Hereford's little community.. I know i may live on the south side, or the 'rough' side, the druggy side, the cheap side, you know kinda like the place where all the poor kids live kinda like chino to the Oc, that sort of thing going on, but we got something else, we have beauty, we have fields and lakes admittidly wherever you go in Hereford there are fields and sheep, but not on your doorstep. I love Hereford, I just hope the people in Ipswich or Chelmsford, or wherever I go, are as friendly, and i can take my own piece of Hereford there with me.. I Love Hereford..

Mcfly @ The Civic

Okay so last night I went to Wolverhampton Civic hall, I went to see McFly, I have actually loved McFly since forever... there music makes me happy and i just want to dance everywhere I go if McFly comes on, on the pod then i just really want to bounce, sing out loud.. I just can't help myself, really can't. So they were absolutley amazing and i loved every single minute of them, it's the 3rd time i have seen McFly live.
1. 30th November 2007 - Birmingham NEC - Greatest hits tour
2. 14th November 2008 - Birmingham NEC - Radio:ACTIVE tour
3. 21st April 2009 - Wolverhampton Civic Hall - Up close.. but this time its personal tour.

Lastnight was all standing as the NEC is all seating even though everyone stands, you have your own dedicated space.. but this is the first time i have seen mcfly full on proper standing, i have seen other bands standing.. i love it. you get so close, so close that you feel a part of their music, you feel like your up their with them, the beat, the sound, the singing, the lyrics, everything goes straight through you and lastnight was no exception, everything was perfect.. I love McFly. I love Music. I Love Live Music. (L)

Clockwise From Top Left. Dougie, Harry, Dougie, Danny. Didn't get a very good one of Tom, he was either to far away or moving (alot!) :)
Dancing Through Life (8)
Ruth xoxox

Tuesday 21 April 2009

First Day Back At College..... . 20.4.09

Okay so as it was first day at college, and a boring one at that me and alice thought we would honour the day with some stories, and I thought with alice's kinda permission to blog them here for you all to hear the wonderful adventures inside the heads of us :)
P.s We wrote these at the same time and neither of us new what eachother was writing?

Alice's Story :
There once lived a beautiful but very peculiar little girl. Now this girl had very blue eyes, such eyes like the deepest depths of the ocean. But this girl had the most unlikely of lies. All though this girl had pretty eyes and kept herself quite tidy, she was a, pig farmer. Well this choice of lifestyle was not one that the girl had willingly chosen. This family buisness was handed down from the girls mother and father after they tragically, but alltogether stupidly, killed in a pig stampeed. The apple of this girl's eyes was a surfboarder called, Carlos. There was something very strange about this relationship, if you could call it that, as there were no waves to surf or pigs to farm. Actually in fact, there was no way in which Carlos and the girl could have carried out these lives as they lived in the icy regions of Alaska. The girl and Carlos tried to carry out these lives peacefully as they could. It was made more difficult by the elves who lived next door. The girl and Carlos got married and lived their lives, of pig farmer and surfer.

Ruth's Story :
Once upon a time there lived a family Mum, Dad, Girl and Boy. One day while Girl and Boy were at school Mum and Dad were tradgically killed in The Blue Forest Fire of 62'. Luckily for Boy and Girl their small ivy covered, double fronted cottage survived the forest fire. Blue Forest was not Blue Forest to Boy and Girl anymore, they felt lost without the comfort of Mum and Dad. Mrs Lake who lived down the forest lane had been baking blueberry pie, and had not realised the forest blazing yards from her house. She lived without ever knowing of the great tradegy. Together Boy and Girl walked down the forest lane scanning the miles of the forest florr for any evidence or belongings to prove of their parents tradgic fate, none was to be found. When they got Mrs Lake's small single story cottagee, they walked towards the front door, blue. Knock knock knock! Mrs Lake did not answer, both Boy and Girl walked around the edge of Mrs Lake's garden to her back yard. Mrs Lake! screamed Girl, your here! Yes, replied the frail Mrs Lake. Mum and Dad have gone. Gone where. Gone! Shoutes Boy breaking down into tears, dont worry my dear come and stay with me, Mrs Lake took Boy and Girl into her straw floor kitchen, blueberry pie? Yes please. Replied Boy and Girl as they both took a bite their blue pie. POISON! laughed Mrs Lake Muhahahahaha... Boy and Girl looked at each other Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... JUSTICE NEVER LOSES Screached Mrs Lake loudly pulling of her mask to reveal a big wet nosed, pointy ears and red eyed wolf, she slidded out of the kitchen, locking the door behind her.

Excuse the randomness!!

xoxox Ruth

Sunday 19 April 2009

Day 16, The Final Day!

So it's day 16 of my easter break which is also know as final day of easter break!
I had so much work to do over the holidays and i have done none of it, absolutley zilcho, but i have had such a great sunny Easter break and i have done quite alot, i have been busy doing things just not things i should be doing i guess. Hey 5 weeks left till i leave college and then i have a full 3 months till i leave the beauty of Hereford. Hereford my favourite place in the world! Im sad to leave, but i know that i will be able to come back.. either on the train or by coach.. National Express all the way :) and i know Hereford will always be home :)
Okay so here are few pics from my 2 weeks holiday travel..

Mine and mums lovely travels to Nottinghman
Where we stopped and got a map for 99p we were lost
and stopped and Welcome Break in Coventry :)

So many journeys into town, I love the bus

We found some rather... strange scarfs at St John.
My best mate Jemma came up to Hereford from Southend with her little sister Bonnie and her son Khye, we went to play planet and had lots of tiring fun :)

Went to see 17 again with my sister and Jemma and have set myself a target to learn how to spin a ball on my finger :) Its going alright at the moment!

Went down to the forest on Easter sunday witht the family for a pic-nic me and mum got lost in the forest, me and ali fell over during the three legged race and it was nice to see all the boys playing together..

Went to see Knowing in the cinema with Alice and screamed all the way through it.. With our coats over half our faces only peeping from behind them.. I even cried with terror. i was so scared!
That's My Hols.... :)
Love Ruth xoxox

Friday 17 April 2009

100.. haha

1. Last beverage -> Tea.. Haha Arthritis Care
2. Last phone call -> The Sis
3. Last text message –> Emily just haha... she said. 'OMG Watching Hollyoaks From Tonight And Mercy Goes 'Im Like That Eggnog Out Of X Factor Me' I Loled :)'
4. Last song you listened to –> Dashboard Confessional - The Brilliant Dance
5. Last time you cried -> The Cinema On Monday.. 17 Again.. I Actually Cried


6. Dated someone twice -> Yes
7. Been cheated on? -> Yes
8. Cheated on Someone? -> No
9. Lost someone special? -> Yes
10. Been depressed? -> More In Denial..
11. Been drunk? -> Um.. Yeah!


12. Red
13. Purple
14. Green


15. Made new friends -> Yes
16. Fallen out of love -> Yes
17. Laughed until you cried -> Yes
18. Met someone who changed you -> Yes
19. Found out who your true friends were -> Yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you -> Yes
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list -> No
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life -> None!
23. How many kids do you want to have -> 3
24. Do you have any pets -> Yes Cat - Marmite and a Sucker Fish
25. Do you want to change your name -> No
26. What did you do for your last birthday - > Nout, The Fam Came Round
27. What time did you wake up today -> 9:ooam
28. What were you doing at midnight last night -> On SoGo Chat
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for -> Go On Holiday In August To Cyprus With Alice :D
30. Last time you saw your father -> 1 Second Ago, He Walked Past The Living Room
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life -> I Don't Know
32. What are you listening to right now -> Tele
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom -> Yes
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? -> That I Aint' Got No Credit Or Text Left
36. Whats your real name -> Ruth Elizabeth Bishop
37. Zodiac sign -> Cancer
38. Male or female -> Female
49. primary school -> Hunderton Infants, Hunderton Juniors.
40. secondary School -> Haywood High School/Wyebridge Sports College
41. college -> Herefordshire College of Technology (HCT)
42. University -> Yes, Haven't Chosen Yet Either Ipswich, Nottingham Trent, Chelmsford
43. Hair color -> Blonde
44. Long or short -> Short
45. Height -> 5'4
46. Do you have a crush on someone? -> No
47. What do you like about yourself? -> Easy to Talk to
48. Piercings -> Ears
50. Righty or lefty -> Righty


51. First surgery -> None
52. First piercing -> Ears
54. First best friend -> Scott Or Jemma!
55. First sport you joined -> Football
56. First pet -> Cat - Tabatha
57. First vacation remembered? Forest Glade :)
59. First crush -> Can't Remember
60. First alcohol drink -> Wine/Cider


61. Eating -> Teoasted Teacackes
62. Drinking -> Nout
63. I'm about to -> Watch Criminal Minds
64. Listening to -> Tele
65. Waiting for -> Tomorrow


66. Want kids? -> Yes
67. Want to get married? -> Yes
68. Careers in mind? - > Teaching (Infant School)


69. Lips or eyes -> Eyes
70. Hugs or kisses -> Hugs
71. Shorter or taller -> Taller
72. Older or Younger -> Older
73. Romantic or spontaneous -> Spontaneous
74. Nice stomach or nice arms -> Arms, I Love Guys Arms.. Haha
75. Tattoos or piercings -> Neither
76. Sensitive or loud -> Both
77. Hook-up or relationship -> Relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant -> Lil' Bit Of Both, In Proportion To Eachother


80. Drank hard liquor -> Yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts -> Yes
83. Broken someone's heart -> Don't Think So
84. Had your own heart broken -> No
85. Been arrested? -> No
86. Turned someone down -> Dunno
87. Cried when someone died -> Of Course
88. Liked a friend that is a boy? -> No


89. Yourself -> Yes
90. Miracles -> No
91. Love at first sight -> No
92. Heaven -> No
93. Santa Claus -> No
94. Kissing on the first date? -> Depends
95. Angels -> No


96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? -> No
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? -> No, Unless You Count Nursery.
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? -> Yes
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? -> Music, My Mommy
100. Posting this as 100 truth? Wah..?


6 Years 6 Months....

High school in many ways there the best and worst days of your life and these to say the least our exactly like that. As always there is always that one special friend for me it was Chloe Shurmer. Chloe Shurmer, a girl who always smiled she was that one friend who's shoulder was there, she would always but a smile on your face and although she did not know it she was going places she was so clever she knew what she wanted and she knew how to get it, she inspired me and always will. Then there was always the other one the another friend who in your group was always close to you knew everything about everyone and here that person was Stacey Preece, she had stamina she stood up for everything she believed in she was the one whose head was always high she had what no one else had she had voice, she had her own voice and what everyone said about her she would stick up for herself for everyone. Then there is everyone else the Group the clang the people who over the next 5 years would inspire you would share all there secrets with you who in 5 years time will no you better than anyone and probably well maybe better than you even know yourself, these people Rachel Maund a small girl with a rather over sized heart who was willing to take anyone under her wing. Heather Young a amazing and inspiring young lady one who anyone would be happy to have looked up to and be proud of one who is going to make it big and probably not now it. Vicki Rose what can i say she was a joker always ready with something to laugh at she was always there ready to let you laugh with her. Emma Taylor a girl who gave the best hugs and one who was probably much older at heart she had a lot going for her and always would. And to everyone else the most amazing people in the world, thank you.

But further more during my youth there was one person who was always there Jemma Street, Jemma street she was a feisty one she was always laughing she was the one everybody liked the one everybody loved and the one that everyone knew, somehow I was hidden in her shadows but I didn’t mind she was my best friend she cared for me and I cared for I liked being in her shadow I knew I was safe there, until i found friends in all these people and realised for myself that it was only me keeping myself in her shadow and it was only me who could decide to let myself out. But Jemma Street a girl who brawn she had brains she could do things that I don’t think even she believed she could she was extremely independent and I know that one day Jemma street will do something amazing that no one ever has and as a matter of fact she probably already has.

To my other friends who got me through my youth my childhood I will always remember you the girls from st johns Rachel, Emily and Emily you girls were always there you kept me there and too you lot i thanks so dearly you made me feel so welcomed so magic so unique you made me, you girls are the most hearty people that a girl could wish out of a group of girls, you taught me the tricks of trade including how to deal with a certain lady. You girls were there after arguments and many of them you were always there and thank you. 3 people I know who through the last 5 years have gotten me through possibly the hardest thing I may ever do in my life, Emily (Mentioned above) Katie and William, these guys have got me through so much they have tutored me on everything, they have made me laugh, made me cry and everything in-between. With these guys I can share anything and I know they are there, these guys have gotten me through so much and I am pleased to have known them all, they have always been there to ask if everything’s okay, to hug when things are really bad and have been there when I am being so stubborn that it takes some one to hit me across the face and tell me everything’s not as a bad as it looks, I will forever be in their debts thank you for getting me to a place I never would have know, and even if we were so close, we did so well and I know that all of these guys have shared and achieved with me something that I know no-one else ever will. Im immensely proud of you all.

To a dear friend Lauren Davies words cannot describe this girl, she is one of the most influential people in my life she shares with me what not many people do she has passion for music for love for friendship for travel for everything. Without this girl in my life it would not make sense she seems to always be there when there is trouble when im passionate about something and the things is with Lauren instead of pushing it aside she shares that love and that passion with me. She has integrity and passion for everything she does she does everything with her heart way ahead of her head she does things for people because she cares because she wants to and because she loves to. Lauren Davies if you ever meet this girl you are so lucky she is an inspirational girl and one who I am so proud to know and to have known and to look back and think of her, she has helped me when others couldn’t she has got me through dark days and bright days but no matter what she is there, and for this i cannot thank her enough.

But sure enough those horrid days off high school must end some where and your thrown back off course and just as everything made sense in your world suddenly nothing did anymore, home wasn’t home anymore, you didn’t love as much anymore passion was not their and well nor were you, because suddenly all these friendships that you had once believed in had disappeared they had vanished over night without you noticing without you being able to stop them. But two dear friends brought me back down to earth two girls who have to be thanked for getting me back on track for opening my eyes to new possibilities to new friends and new memories to new experiences and new joys to share part of their life with me and for me to share mine with them. These girls were fabulous for two people to be able to bring me back on track to give my life meaning again was simply one of the kindest things tow people may have ever and may ever do for me Alice friary A girl whose heart was to big for her boots whose smile lit up the darkest corners whose laugh was contagious whose humour radiated a room full of energy and light, this girl was so happy go lucky she expressed herself in a way that no one bothered, she was radiant and bright and this is thank her for. Vicky Preece a girl who also had a rather large heart. A girl who was so clever and got me through so many tough days who tutored me about all things college and all things work. Who helped me but who also asked for help. These girls shared with me some of the best things in my life some of the most influential things in my life and really they took it in their strides these girls took me under their wing and to this i am ever grateful. As always college is merely a higher form of high school where kids chose whether they feel need for further education on one subject they particularly feel passionate about me, no childcare its a long story and one that is rather odd, to be honest its actually quite simple I didn’t no what i wanted to do and to be 15 years of age finishing high school and being told that you must now chose what you are going to do for the rest to your lives is a long and gruelling process but for me it never happened this harsh and cruel method that education workers chooses is not fair to us the children who suffer in dead end jobs because we did not know what we wanted to do but know have missed our chances to kids out their who make this decision think long and hard and dont ever think that something is to good for you that something is better than you that you are not good enough cause the truth is you are you can do anything if you put your mind to it, you can do anything you want to, just do it.!

In the last year I have learnt so much more about people and friends. More about the ones I knew and about new people. Vicky Preece who led me to believe she had a huge heart and would instinctively take any one under her wing has now shown her true side of vulnerability and insecurity. These two weaknesses together make her spiteful towards the opportunities to meet new people and to keep old friends close. However through the last year where I have learnt so much more about people and about life and about living all through the confidence of one girl, Alice Friery, some girl who I remember from my pen leaking everywhere at college induction, shy Ruth was present at this. I remember being sat next to Alice who turned up late and decided to sit on my loner table, I had already labelled myself at college, Loner, it’s who I was, its who I knew, I was happy there. Alice Friery over the past 18 months has become my greatest influence she has been there throughout everything and is welcome to picking up phone calls at 3am, she has the passion, along with me, we share so much in common its almost not real, twins separated at birth, everything, we are to alike. We have so much to share with each other and to teach each other about, I am always learning. Alice is someone I have seen grow so much over the past 18 months and im so proud to say I have been there, so proud to have known her. Alice Friery will be a friend for a long time, I almost can’t believe she hasn’t been in my life forever, sometimes I wonder is if she was there, I wonder how my life was complete before, until I realise it wasn’t, Alice was meant to be there, she was meant to be in my life, this is fate… Thankyou.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Soundtrack To My Life.

Okay so put up your Itunes, stick it on shuffle and answer these q's (If you can call them questions) With the song that plays.. :) It's fun honest!

1. Birth.
-Gavin DeGraw -She holds the key

2. First Steps
- Switchfoot - The blues

3. First Words
- McFly - Only the strong survive

4. First day at school
Get up kids - Overdue

5. The day you 1st said 'I Love You...'
- Michelle Featherstone -Go on my child

6. The day you left high school
- Fall out boy - The take over, the breaks over

7. The day you graduated college
- Script - Im Yours

8. The day you cried so hard over 'That Guy...'
- James Morrison -You make it real

9. Your first day of your first real job
- Nada surf - Always love

10. Will you marry me?
-Graham Colton - Best Days

11. Your wedding dance
- Foo Fighters -Home

12. The day you layed in eachothers arms all day, just because you could
- Biffy Clyro - Mountains

13. Dancing in the rain
Alphaville -Forever Young

14. The day you partied so hard, you couldnt remember it
- The Who -Pinball wizard

15. Im Pregnant?
-Kate Voegele - Hallelujah

16. You see your child for the 1st time
- Kids in glass houses - Saturday

17. The 1st painting your child brings home from nursery
- Dashboard Confessional - The brilliant dance

18. The day you realise your not who you used to be
- Bryan Greenberg - Say yes

19. Grandchildren
- Boston - Man i'll never be

20. Death.
-Nine days - Story of a girl

I Like 3 Of Them Matched Pretty Damn Good
10. 13. and 20. :)

Anyway So Copy this and have a go it's fun?
Comment your answers would love to see them all. :)

Trust Me It's Entertaining :)

Ruth xoxox


I live in Hereford, a small city, yes i no you hear the word city and you think wow, that's not small its big, well ill put it this way Hereford has city status because we have a cathedral on other terms Hereford is a town with a cathedral = City. We are a small place surrounded by beautiful untouched, unspoiled Herefordshire country side. Hereford is not served by any major motorways or roads and is limited to how you get here, You can cross county through Herefordshire country side, catch a bus which will also cross country or get a train. Hereford lies on the river wye. Hereford is the home of Bulmers Cider (Apple picking time is always a great one with the lovely smell of apples in the air from the Bulmers Factory), The Bulls, Hereford United Football Club (HUFC). and of course Hereford Cattle (Hence The Bulls.) Although mistaken to be in the country of Wales, I assure Hereford lies in England although only 16 miles from the border of Wales. Hereford Cathedral is home to the Mappa Mundi which dates back to the 13th century although restored in the 20th century (If you don't know what it is research it... NOW!) and also the world famous chained library. Hereford is twined with 2 places Dillenberg - Germany and Vierzon - France. Hereford has a population of 50,400.

Okay so im not brilliantly clever and got some of my facts from wikipedia...
check out all the amazingness about Hereford... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hereford.
I Am Gonna Miss It Here, My Home.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Play Planet =)

As much as I love Hereford, I love being from Hereford, I just love Hereford, im not ashamed to love the place i was born and have grown up. I love it here.!

As I said, as much as I love Hereford, there is not much out here to do were in the middle of know where so unless you fancy a bit of a travel everyday it's shocking.. but there is a new place of amazement... Okay i admit it, it's been here a year and it did kinda' take over a place we already had.. Jungle Mania.. home of the school aged parties.. I had everyone there.. but now we have play planet as Jungle Mania went busttt. :( But play planet.. a massive soft area play place.. with big slides and swings and soft areas, ball pools, outside bikes, waterfights, rope bridges and basketball hoop. Okay it is meant for 0-12 year olds but I don't care... me and Jem took her sister Bonnie (8) and her son Khye (18 months) :) We had so much fun on the BIG slide..
Check out these Pics :)

Baby Slide, Me Bonnie & Khye Me & Khye Going To The Big Slide.

Jemma and Khye On The Ball Swing Me, Khye & Bonnie At The Bottom Of The BIG Slide

Khye In The Ball Pit..
Wow.. Jungle Mania , I forgot about that place, really makes me remember my childhood memories.. ? Ruth's Childhood = Jungle Mania. I think i had every single birthday there between the ages of 3 and 9!!
When you all think about your childhood, where do you remember.?

Ohh.. Thunder.. Thunder.. I Just Heard Thunder! :\
Love Ruth

Tuesday 14 April 2009

A Class Act!

This Picture Cracks Me Up Everytime, It Is Such A Fab Pic Of Me And My Sister Doing the Three (Two) Legged Race On Sunday Down The Forest :) Love Ya' Big Sister.

Places You Have Come To Fear The Most!

Okay so i went to my sisters yesterday and only to find my sister's boyfriends dashboard confessional cd stash, who new dashboard wwas one of his all time favourite bands, me too, small world. Anyway so i borrowed 4 albums from him..
1. Dashboard Confessional - Dusk and Summer
2.Dashboard Confessional - The Shade Of Posion Trees
3 Dashboard Confessional -A mark, A Mission A Brand, A Scar
4 Dashboard Confessional -The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most.

The Places you have come to fear the most has always, and will always be one of my favourite songs, let alone my favourite dashboard song. It got me to thinking when i listened to the CD lastnight what and where is the place I fear the most and as silly as it probably sounds is when im sitting im my learner car with my instructor to my left, im scared. I don't look forward to it, this magnificent way of ableing myself to get around and explore this beautiful world outside hereford, i should be enjoying myself i always thought i would look forward to theese tuesdays, but i don't as the song suggest's I FEAR it, I FEAR walking out my front door, I FEAR walking to the car, and I FEAR turning on the engine, wether this is because i completley clash with my instructr i dont know, but i have come to FEAR a place, which in my mind has always been incredibly good to me, to my thoughts, since i can remember i have wanted to get away from this small town, see the world, see the enchantment in the world and explore i have never been one to stay in the compounds of where i meant to be to stay within the lines, be kept in boundries i have always been the one getting mucky and exploring the area, dismissing boundaries and ill admit it occasionaly escaping when i was grounded, that's me, yet this whole new thing which can give me the ability to run out to the drive get in a car and go, im scared.

So where do you fear the most?


Monday 13 April 2009

17 Again!

Sup... I Mean You Look Like You Can Move :)

Guess where i went to day.. the cinema to see of course 17 again, was so funny, I went with my sister and my best mate who is down from Essex, took a lil girlie road trip to Worcester and a bit of Zac Efron so it wasn't all that bad, who am i kidding it wasn't bad at all.?

Movie = Fab for a Girly Sleepout :)

Walking through the town in Worcester on our way to the car park look what we saw :)

I loved it there sound was raw, but amazing. I was fasinated how 4 guys could make such ggreat music using used water botttles and tubs, made me smile and want to dance and pretened i was drumming, I got a pic which i will upload later as i have lost my adaptor for my phone :(

When we got to the car there was none other than a seagull on the car, a seagull, i had to go shoo it off as Alison and Jemma were being wimps and staying well Back, :)

I can't really wish that i was 17 again because i am, yes i am 17, but only for another 3 months and then it's party on, i guess i'll miss the innocence that comes with being 17 as if your almost niave to the world and all it posseses, but as soon as you turn 18 its like somehow this massive hold comes over you and suddenly your life almost isnt as care free as it used to be, that's what i see, and i like being the young one, although i almost never admit it, actually i have never admitted it. But as soon as July 13 comes there ill be front and centre, front and centre.. I will always be the baby, but somehow i will no longer be the kid, the kid sister, the young one. I will just be Ruth and i guess that's all i can wich for, just to be seen as Ruth.. Me and that's all I am, and it's all i will ever be. Ruth.


Sunday 12 April 2009

Easter :)

It was such a busy day yesterday that by the time i got in and had eough time to take of my shoes it was off to bed, i was shattered, absolutley zonked. :)

So as long days go yesterday was most definatley one of them, MOST definatley!

It started with our family picnic at the forest of dean, Beechenhurst. It was fab we played obsatcle courses and stilt races and 3 legged race too, was a laugh!! :) Then we kinda ate and chilled and all that lot me and mum also took Finlay my godson for a walk in the forest around the giant's sculpture trail to get him to sleep, it was quite a walk, we got LOST! Yes we were walkiong around a god knows how many acre's forest and we were lost 2 people and a baby LOST, i thought we would be camping out there :(!

But we found our way out after walking round in... well around for 2 and a half hours we were only gonna go for 20 minutes.. :\!

Pics For The Pic-nic :)

Conrad (Blue Bat) and William (Green Bat) Playing Together Having Fun!

L-R My Aunty Norma, My Godmummy Carol && My uncle Garry Chilling

My Cousins Chris and Jon.. Haha At Jon Falling Over, Made Me Smile :)

The Boats, Forest Floor Plaques (Forgotten There Posh Names) And Finlay!

Giants Teeth Sulpture, My Mummy @ The Giants Chair, And (My Fav) The Sleepers All Carved With Indidual; Sculptures :)

And Not Forgetting ...

The Wire Deer, We Saw This Twice!
That's not it no sooner had we parked up, got inside and taken off our shoes we got a phone call of my sister who had followed us home to say that shell pauls dog had escaped so me mum and dad walked over to there house looking for their dog, we met in the middle at the field, mum and dad went one way, me ali and paul went the other as we walked past ali's house we asked some neighbours who said to get hold of the dog wardens so i could not find their number anywhere, i spent the best part of the evening on the phone to all the animal resuce places in hereford and worcester.. but turns out place is closed till 9:00 am Tuesday cause it's a bank holiday.. so we will not know untill then. :(
Much Forestry Love
Ruth xoxox

Saturday 11 April 2009

I Lost It?

I Have Lost My Phone Adaptor To Upload Pics.. I Will Look Tomorrow As It's Getting Later And Later Will Upload tomorrow Lots As I Got a Busy Day, Were Braving It Into The Forest, Nah it's not Like That Lol. :)

Anyway Gutted About That, But I Found My Camera It Was In The Bin : Not Sure About That One.!

xoxox Ruth

I Can't Believe It's Five To Nine.

Wow Guys it's already 5 to 9 in England, how bad is that.. the day is over, the lovely sunny saturday is over! I didn't do that much, i went to town, i went to sleep, i watched DVDs, went to Tesco, brought The Breakfast Club DVD was on offer :) and popped out to the shops in my lovely new sunny orange cardigan and shades :D!

So that's about it, i have some pics to post will post them later on :)!


Friday 10 April 2009

Life Through A Pair Of Sunglasses

And the glasses that started this blogg... please welcome them.... (Clap)
They make the world a different place dont you think. It's like when you not wearing glasses your living in the real world, stress of college, family, work and everything you've got on your plates.. but then the sunnies come on and its like a whole new world, like the world isnt such a bad place any more, everything is new, clean, fresh and quiet.. it's like its the world you want to be... and nothing matters anymore.It's like no-one in the world can touch you, your own little bubble.. It's like he worlds not such a scary place anymore!

And everything is perfect!
But the old world is still there. I Love sunglasses.. even if my cousin says 'where do you think you are.. hollywood.'
Lots of Sunny Love
Happy Times