Wednesday 22 April 2009

My Pedestrian Day!

Okay so since I have found out and learnt more about SGP I have began to realise more about where I live and the people that live here.. and today was a perfect oppurtunity. It was a normal day. Perfect. It wasn't great weather. Perfect. Everyone was doing what they normally do, the same thing everyday. Perfect. My little pedestrian travels started about 20 to 9 when i went for the 9:48 bus to town, for college. Well anyway as the bus pulled in to the station at the shire hall, there was a bus up to the college's already in, I do normally walk, the only thing about today that was different, i got on the college bus. Walking up the hill is so envigourating i swear i feel so thin when i get up it, if i get up it, it's a nightmare. the biggest hill in Hereford city and all 3 college's sit nicely at the top of it, anyway of subject.. I Caught the bus today for the simple reason McFly last night i was aching and i had been battered and bashed around everything hurt, so this lady got of 74 bus same as me and ran to the 72 bus (college bus) the bus drver was not in his little driving booth he was stood on the steps up sorting out the recipt/ticket machine thing. Well anyway i purely had seen this lady bus hopping funnily enough what i was doing, when we were standing outside the bus doors she turned to me. Me a student, ya know the knid that people look at and think, you do nothing all day.. nothing. Well she turned to ME and started talking, I didn't think these people exsisted well not anymore.. but yes she wasn't old middle aged with dark curly hair, she was telling me how she normally gets an early bus however she works with her daughter who had rang her up to bring some things in to work, so she had to get on the later bus, in which i replied with i normally walk, but i cant be bothered today, she then told me she knew how she felt and that getting the bus was a good idea.. A Good idea, she believed me. she should really cause i do, that is the first time this college year i caught the bus up the hill. First. Anyway she believed me, she listened to me, she ad a conversation with me. she didnt even no me, i could be some physcho withddrawn student, okay i know im a loner, but im not a physcho. Anyway this just utterly confimed everything i already knew and reinstated in my head why i love it here, Hereford. And im going to be leaving in september, leaving home.. To a bigger city, with more people, and lots more things going on, how will i cope! So anyway i walked to tesco to go meet my mummy from work, and get some wrapping paper for my friends present (She's 18 tomorrow :) ) anyway and i got to eastholme (this little community area, where they have a community hall, it was slimming world tonight, the library and this is also the place i went to pre-school however the sand pit has been concreted over, and a doctors surgery, dentists and a pharmacist.) yeah and this lady who was in her tesco work uniform was walking through as i was, she smiled at me. She smiled at me. to these people who work at Tesco, you see my mum works at Tesco, my dad works at Tesco and my sister works at Tesco, Apparently i look like Ali my sister so everyone see's me and thinks oh thats Jean and Normans youngest or that's Ali's sister! Yeah that's me, im not Ruth to them, but oh well she smiled at me. And this made me happy. I love Hereford's little community.. I know i may live on the south side, or the 'rough' side, the druggy side, the cheap side, you know kinda like the place where all the poor kids live kinda like chino to the Oc, that sort of thing going on, but we got something else, we have beauty, we have fields and lakes admittidly wherever you go in Hereford there are fields and sheep, but not on your doorstep. I love Hereford, I just hope the people in Ipswich or Chelmsford, or wherever I go, are as friendly, and i can take my own piece of Hereford there with me.. I Love Hereford..

1 comment:

niamh said...

Nice post :)

I'm sure wherever you go will be the right place for you. But it's great to appreciate your hometown while you still live there, as opposed to waiting until you leave and then being overcome with fondness, as is the case with most people :P