Tuesday 17 November 2009

I'm Finally Home...

My life has changed so much in a few months, weeks even... I can't remember ever feeling this happy, and it's all because of these people, this place, this feeling...
So things have been majorly hectic... i so hope i can keep this up a bit more, now that things have died down a little and things are just a little less crazy around here!!

So on September 19th i packed up all my stuff and left the lovely place of Hereford, for bigger and better oppurtunities, which ended me up here, in Ipswich the lovely dock side town... It's so fresh and new and independance wise, im completley buzzing! so i moved into student accomodation with 48 other people... minus the few empty rooms that are floating around here, and it's crazy...

Freshers week where do i start, i don't other than saying i have never drank so much in my whole life than i did in that 1st week, everything was crazy that week, no time to slow down, let alone stop...
But i have met some amazing people...
I feel like im finally home... :)
Ruth xxx