Wednesday 27 May 2009

Bees and the bugs!!

Thought i better drop a line tonight as I wont be in sight of a computer for the next 4 days. Yes im braving it all under canvas. Im going camping. Im not the best person camping, i mean i dont do it, i dont do bugs. But 'life experiances' (Twilight Fans) have to be made and tomorrow im heading of to Luston to my friends to prepare for are little expedition on Friday. Ha.

I have no idea where we are going, i just no that i am going camping and there is going to be 11 of us of which i know 4 inc. myself : hmm.? And that is literally everything i know.

I will post when i get back, with pictures and a long drawn out blog (as my post have been a little bit dull, lately) As to my 1st camping trip for fun and not with some club like guides or cadets. Ahh.

Ruth xoxox

Sunday 24 May 2009

Typical English Sunday.

Today we are having a typical English sunday, ya know the drill.

Sun, Back gardens, Sunglasses, Beer, Barbecue && Birthday's
Today is my cousin's birthday, he is going to be 33 So we are all packing into his back garden and having a typical barbecue, in the sun, i have donned my shorts, t-shirt, cardigan, pumps and sunglasses. Oh yes everyone I am ready.. :)

On another note I am still waiting for my book to come through that I ordered from Amazon...
John Steinbeck - East of Eden... :) Hopefully it will be here before camping on the weekend... :)

Anyway... Im going to sort myself out before the Barbecue..
Have fun on this sunny day ..

Ruth xoxox

Thursday 21 May 2009

The End of an Era...

Today is the 21.5.09. Today is the end. The end of an era.

I have just completed the last bit of work for college, which i just had to type something up to put in my folder, i have been given back my 2 last pieces of work which i have also put in the correct folders and have filled out all my folder portfoilio front sheets (All 3 of them, grey, red and yellow.) And today i have finished. It's the end.

I don't know i have completled it all but i have, i now im free, i have sat all my exams and got all my work in at grades im proud of, so that is all. The End

Well anyway.. Im gonna go, im sat in college waiting for Craft Lesson (My last official lesson at college) And yeah then that's it. when i walk out of here at 14:30 it will be it.

There is nothing left to say but

The End.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Let's eat something really bad for us!

Today Im going to my sisters house for our monthly movie night, normally we jump in the car and take the 50 monute car ride to Worcester, there cinema is bigger and go catch something at the movies, I get a BIG blue slushy icy thing and she gets popcorn :) But there is nothing on that either of us want to see, so instead im going to crash her house while Paul is on holiday and were gonna catch up, watch movies, Inc Twilight, Bride Wars and Sweeney Todd and eat Pizza, Jelly Sweets, Popcorn and of course Wine.. (Maybe) Haha.. depends on if we get that desperate, im not a wine kinda' girl.. ;)! So yeah then im gonna sleep in the spare room and it means that i dont have to get to the bus stop and 10 to 8 in the morning :) Yippee.!!

So im gonna go pack my stuff and go and get the bus..
Hope you all have a fun night. I will.

Love Ruth xoxox

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Im Ill

I am sat in college about to go home. I woke up this morning feeling like absolute crap, i havn't felt this bad since i went on holiday to Switzerland last summer and got really ill. But seen as though it's my last week and dedicated as i am (Not) I took 2 paracetamol to last me at college and trudged out the door to the bus stop, okay so i practically in town i get a text hey ruth, my bus hasn't turned up, im not going to college. Ah the only reason i was going to college so you weren't a loner, so im currently writing this i have 1 piece of work left which i got back today and will hand in tomorrow and then im done, hooray!!

Okay so im going to go now and get a shirt, from good ol' Primark, baby and get the bus home, go to sleep and wake up at half 3 hopefully feeling better for my driving lesson. So i better go get things rolling and by the speed im walking today im ill state i will probably get home at 3, okay so see you bye.


Saturday 16 May 2009


Today I drove into town in my car, oh yes im a learner, but not one of them annoying ones i hope (fingers Crossed) so yeah anyway we went into town then drove out to Dunelm and then to B&Q. So then i needed to take Pat home, so i decided well actually it was kinda decided for me, and then i saw where we were headed. Oh yeah Mortimer Road old Railway Bridge, Ahh... it's a 1 way bridge and it was flooded, its on a tight corner, it's so bad. Yeah anyway i was going through and this red car appered at the other end, bearing in mind that this bridge is about 6 meters long, :) So yes this Red Car. Floods. Shoot I panicked moving my car to the left, the left, a one way bridge, I couldn't flipping move to the left. Damn It. I scratched it on the bridge, I scratched Leo! No..
So it's like the smallest scratch i dont care, i can't actually believed i did it. But oh well... let's go.! Nice adventure Hey, Great day, it's pissing it down, then its nice a sunny, then its tipping, then it's sunny, you can't win here.
Ruth xoxox

Friday 15 May 2009

Today Is A Sad Day...

Well it all started at 6am when i flung myself over in my bed (half asleep) and turned my god damn alarm on my phone of, it is the most annoying alarm ever (It's the one that comes on the phone, it's the only thing that used to wake me up, in the morning. Im a bum to get up in the mornings.) So yes this was followed by Jasper playing 'Fall Out Boy's - What'a Catch, Donnie' So Loud I Could Hear It Through The headphones @ 7am. I thought it about best time i got up, considering it was 7am. So i went to the bathroom to get ready, it seemed like a good day, till i realised i forgot to take my make-up of the night before and my eyes were completley black, probably from writhing in pain during the night, because of the stupid injection, which decides when most convenent (NOT) to kill me. So yes, i managed to get the mess of my face with about 5 baby wipes (Boots own, can't beat them) washed my face brushed teeth and put my make up, so on. Today i wore big blue (Hoody) seen as though it has been so cold at the school this past week, freezing. So i banged on the door to wake mum up, who was having a lazy morning. I then continued to read random sections (Favourite sections) Of 'Breaking Dawn' seen as though i have already read it. Ha. Then we got in the car and went to tesco, i brought 5 'Thank you' note cards, 4 bunches of flowers, box of shortbread (Tesco Finest) and a box of chocolates. Oh! and not forgetting a bottle of Pepsi. Well the morning kinda went by like a blur, i can't remember much that happened, i had weetabix for my lunch, which a member of staff in the staff room seem to find so very funny. Why? I don't know. Yeah then it came to the afternoon i read 6 of the children's books during their silent reading and decided to give up because soon i would have read them all. Then they finished their maps of the world, i started and finished mine. Although the children told me i cheated, Ha?? So yeah.. It was my last day (Officially) Im going back on June 16 for their 'year trip' to Elen Valley. So they gave me a card, which one of the girls had drawn a picture on and they had all signed it, but i left it at the school, and there is reason for this. After giving out the flowers and chocolates. I headed for my coat and bag.. This is were it gets good, all of a sudden the sky like opens up and water falls from no where im telling you i have never seen rain like it before, complete madness, the raindrops were the size of my hand, i had to walk home in this, it was completley insane, my dad met me half way, i felt bad for soaking the passenger seat in the car though i was drecnhed through. So i came home threw on my sweats and that's where i am now..

1 week left of college, and looking in catalogues for additional furniture to house in my new room, when/where i move. To. So yes. its a sad day! My last official day at the school. and 1 week left of college, well actually i finish thursday, which means me and alice will have to meet up loads in order to catch up on 'Twilight' we are completley obsessed guys, madly. I won't say im obssesed with Robert Pattinson, because well lets face it, we all know that 'Cederic Digory' stole my heart, ripped it out in the cinema so i think that tell's that story, unless you don't know of 'Cedric Digory' if you don't just IMDB Robert Pattinson, you'll soon Know. :)

So Yes, Here is to a nice relaxing weekend, in which i will achieve alot (I Hope)
And Hopefully come out of the weekend with a new hair cut, or at least by next week, its annoying me at the moment, BIG STYLE, Its Like a flippin' AFRO! Ha.

Love R xoxox

Wednesday 13 May 2009

13/05/09 This Day Will Go Down In History.

Wednesday May 13th 2009

This day will go down in History, in the life of Me. So much has happened today and to say I just woke up thinking that it would be a normal day, of pure insanity (Like any other week day) Rushing around here and there. Well this week is work week at the school, my last week there, im gonna miss it there so much, but i need to cut all ties with my college course at the moment, I have made it no secret that i don't like the course im doing, and i guess as soon as finish placement it kinda makes my ending college final. Well back to 13th may here. I went up to college today to get jabbed, yes jabbed, i hate jabs, well actually no I lie, im not one of them I faint everytime I see an injection they don't worry me, it's just when you know your going to get injected it's that feeling of knowing. So yes i got jabbed my last injection of 3 today, Yay, no more :) But now my arm is paining me so bad, i just dont know what to do with me arm.. I forced myself to sleep earlier just so my pain was less prominenet while i was unconciouss. ha. Well then i finalised where im moving to in the winter. Keeping it to myself at the moment just incase it all falls through, but i doubt it. Im so nervous i have also made it no secret that im nervous about leaving and living on my own. Yet excited about exploring and discovering a new place, it's gonna be good, im just a pessimist. (Always have been) I see the bad in everything. (Fault,??) Well anyway so that is final. Im moving come September, Although no date has been set as of yet, or not that i have decided or has been posted && I have yet to sort out my finances for my first year, accomadation and education. So that has been my day. Pretty big jump (I think) But hey my future starts today.

Ruth xoxox

Monday 11 May 2009

Made My Day.

Well, today the cutest thing happened i got home, and sorta relaxed and then out of my front room window i saw about 10 girls walk down the garden path, my head starts musing, what's going on... Anyway so i go and answer the door and one of the girls says 'We want to sing for you.' Hang on a minute did she just say we want to sing for you, what, am i dreaming... all of these thoughts were spinning round my head and many more. Well anyway she continues 'Were raising money for St Michael's Hospice' (It's like this local hospice which cares for people with long term illnesses) I was like awh cool, shoot. Now i don't like watching people sing, ya know that close im okay if there on stage but when your face to face and there singing to like you, looking at you, it kinda i dunno makes me feel wierd, and childishly want to laugh, i dont know if this is a good thing, maybe i should not date a musician, Lol. Anyway i think they sand Hannah Montanna, kinda think i recognised it from like TV Adverts or something and working in a school, im not sad. (Honest) Well yeah so i put like £2 in there little bag of funds, made me feel good. Im Skint, i have no money though. Im poor haven't had this months money yet??
So that was a nice twist to my day. :) Made me feel Happy.

Anyway i have been on youtube, im always on youtube, and i heard this, it made me cry so bad, so bad. So here it is.
The lovely Robert Pattinson singing 'I was broken' a song by Marcus Foster.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Mayfair [OW]

1st week of May, Tuesday through Thursday.. Mayfair week. I don't care how old you are you cannot release the feeling that the mayfair brings to Hereford. 3 days of pure crazy insanity. 3 days of pure lockdown in Hereford city centre. 3 days of pure amazing rides. 3 days of knowing how it must feel to fly, or how me alice discussed while riding on superstar of which i explained was the ride that almost, nearly, kinda goes upside down, I would like to correct myself for the record (It does go upside down) Love it.
Like or Not? The smell, the noise, the screams, the laughter, the music.. I Love it all, everything about the mayfair, invites you in, it amazes you, it makes you want to walk around with your jaw scrapping across the floor. No matter how old i get, i fingers crossed and will let anyone slap me across the face, when in my eyes the fair is boring, how can it be boring, why??
So as this is offically my last mayfair as a kid' it needs a lil' dedication, and where else is a better place to put it, other than here, for me to always remember. Im moving away this year, so it was my last fair week, which is actually a very sad moment. I had to make the most of it.
I will miss it, so much.. Just another thing to make me realise how much i will miss Hereford.

P.s I Finished the twilight books, all 4 of them. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Yesterday. Fascinating, Im already missing the wonderful world which exsists, when your boyfriend is a vampire and your best friend is a werewolf, only i don't think im that lucky.. Ha. Totally wore my tee, to college and had every staring at my 'boob' all day, nice one. But at least now they all want one, i got them all onto the blog, and if they get a Tee, all the more money for SGP, huh. Deal.

and for Alice's Benefit.. 'merde' [OW] haha

Love Ruth xoxox

Wednesday 6 May 2009

My Tee.

My SGP tee. Is going on new adventures. Tomorrow. Right after college. Oh yes.. We will have him looking dapper in some little spots in HFD. After i just hand washed it. Dedication, eh? Well i am still reading, only taking my time over reading the last one. Oh yes, number 4, 200 pages to go and i really don't want it to end. On another note... Me and Alice have a few HFD places in mind for some cool pics and promoting SGP in HFD. Let the promoting begin. :D

Love Ruth xoxox

Will start to post more, now. Iv'e Missed you old buddy old pal. (Flinstones :) Classic)