Sunday 21 June 2009


I Haven't Posted In Ages Because I Have Been Driving Everywhere :D I Have Lots Of Journey's To Post To Everyone... When I Catch Up With Myself, Untill Then Take Care!!
Ruth xoxox

Wednesday 3 June 2009


So Weekend 29 through 31 I went camping with my friend Alice, metioned in my blog before and her family whom live in Liverpool. So I went over to Alice's On Thursday and stayed over, so as to get an early start Friday. On Friday morning, Alice, Me, Sean (Alice's Little Brother) and Her Mum, bunddled all our stuff and ourselves into her mum's little 2 door Corsa, It was swealtering.
So yeah.. We went to Llangodden, in the the North Wales Valleys. We stayed at a campsite which surrounds a beautiful Abbey. On Friday we chilled and I met her family, they we went for a little walk and had a paddle in the river which flowed at the bottom of the field. Oh yeah well then it got to about half 7, 8 o clock and i was like Alice want to go for a walk, she was like ok, and steph, her cousin came with us. We ended up walking up a massive 'mountain' which was actually a hill, didnt feel like it, we stopped and rested so many times it was so steep, and then we finally after 2 hours got to the top, and by this time night fall was coming down on us, very thick and very fast, so we rang the guys at camp and i put my camera light on and they put their car lights on and we could see eachother, it was magic. we shuffled down the 'hill' on our bottoms, which was the only way as it was way to steep to walk down especially in the dark, it was an interesting thing, as i was infront and so Alice was shuffling ruble down my pants and steph the same to Alice, when we finally reached the bottom about an hour later, we were unaware of where we were and it was pitch black we used a phone light to climb back over the fence and i fell while walking through the dew covered grass. but finally we returned to base camp, all dirty and yucky..! We slept well that night except Alice elbowing me in the nose and then being afraid i had a nose bleed. I didnt, thank god. On Saturday i got burned so bad, seriously is still look like a tomarto, then we walked into town along the canal, what canal still uses horses this one, i was absolutley petrified (If you didn't no i hate horses, i might tell you that story one day, and NO i didnt fall of one) So yes i hid in the bushes or got Alice to pull me past them while i screamed and closed my eyes. Yes then in Llangodden town we went to some shops and then we went to River, and we paddled some more, then we walked to camp and paddled in the river there. And then we lit a bonfire, and toasted bread on the fire, it made the most gorgeous toast i have ever tasted, seriously. That was really nice.
On sunday me and Alice stayed at base camp while everyone drove into town in 2 cars, when we returned from our trip to the camp shop 2 of Alice's family had come back so we spent half an hour trying to pop the bonnet on their car, Long story, absolutley hilarious. :) then when everyone returened we had dinner, and went back down to the lake where i got egged onto the rope swing which goes over the river, i gashed my toe open though on the rocks in the river without feeling it, so strange, anyway then we left and took the 1 and a half hour car ride back home.
Check out these pics...

Part of the Abbey, and the 'mountain' we walked up - Me on the rope swing.

The river in Llangodden Town - Llangodden town coming over the bridge
More pictures coming up soon :)
The Canal walk into Llangodden town

Well anyway today... I Passed my Driving Test, I now officially have my driver's license. :)